Thursday, September 15, 2011

Obama's says Get the Facts

The list below contains all the attacks quoted from President Obama's site (they are in italics and my comments are in red), I suppose, life is good if those are the only things reported by his snitches.

Attacks: Get the Facts

The Obama administration has strengthened our borders while making our immigration system smart and fair. I suppose he accomplished these two items by suing Alabama and Arizona for their immigration reform laws.

President Obama is a friend to Israel, despite unfounded claims to the contrary. I wonder if some of  those unfounded claims came from Israeli news organizations that reported, "tension between the White House, Jerusalem hit a new high." I guess they must have meant the positive tension one experiences when a rubber band is stretched so far that it snaps and whips back to smack an eyeball out.

President Obama believes in common sense gun control laws compatible with Second Amendment rights. Hmmm...I hope people have gotten over Obama's remarks about people who "...cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them..."

Fact check: TARP was signed into law by President Bush, and the overall cost to taxpayers has been significantly reduced under President Obama. The last time I checked, the government data showed that Obama is spending three times more  money than Bush each year. Obama's spent so much that it should be called TRAP (Totally Raping America's Prosperity)!

President Obama was born in the United States and is an American citizen—period. Along with all the other illegal aliens I guess. Just kidding. For those who don't know it, President Obama is a U.S. citizen.

By providing assistance to auto companies, President Obama saved more than a million jobs and prevented the American auto industry from collapsing. Yep, sure. Good job! Did we get the taxpayers' money back yet?

The Affordable Care Act promotes quality, affordable health coverage for all Americans, regardless of the industry they work in or their union status. Don't forget that it cut 500 billion dollars from Medicare too. My folks sure appreciated that.

President Obama is eliminating outdated regulations while strengthening commonsense standards to promote health and safety. Does this include the 70,000 plus pages of the U.S. Tax Code?

After going through the list of attacks, I concluded all is well with the 14.7 trillion dollar national debt, the economy, the millions that lost their homes, the 24 million seeking full-time jobs, and the 46 million Americans in poverty. Those areas must be steadily improving since the Obama AttackWatch snitches failed to report a single adverse comment by anyone. Perhaps they are all out searching for shovel-ready jobs.

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